Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Energy and Nutrient Composites (Day 1)

Oh my goodness. This took ULTRA long! and its incomplete because some food items can't be found. oh well.
Basically, the Hokkien Mee gave 885.13 kcal of energy, 50g of Protein, 39g of Total Fat, 8.2g of Dietary Fibre, 63g of Carbohydrates, 395mg of Cholesterol, 1763mg of Sodium and 62g of Sugar
The Carrot Juice gave me 91 kcal of energy, 1 g of Protein, 1g of Total Fat, 2.1g of Dietary Fibre, 20g of Carbohydrates, 0mg of Cholesterol, 194mg of Sodium and 10g of sugar
The Milk gave me 120 kcal of Energy, 8g of Protein, 5g of Total Fat,1.3g of Dietary Fibre, 12g of Carbohydrates, 5mg of Cholesterol, 130mg of Sodium and 11g of Sugar
The wanton noodle soup gave me 290 kcal of Energy, 19g of Protein, 5g of Total Fat, 1.6g of Dietary Fibre, 41g of Carbohydrates, 11mg of Cholesterol, 1804mg of Sodium and N.A amount of sugar
The Almond Jelly gave me 220kcal of Energy, 2g of Protein, 1g of Total Fat, 2.7g of Dietary Fibre, 51g of Carbohydrates, 0mg of Cholesterol, 6mg of Sodium, N.A amount of Sugar
Ok... this being my first time calculating, i'm a bit freaked out by the amount of carbo i consume in a day. MUST cut down. after all, unused carbo just terms to fats.
That's all the statistics of the food i ate on Day 1 that are calculated on the Health Promotion Board Website. Cheers! :)

The ALL POWERFUL One-Dish meal

The ingredients in this one-dish meal were

1. Yellow Noodles

2. Thick Bee Hoon
3. Prawns
4. Pork
5. Egg
6. Bean Sprouts
7. Squid
8. Lime (optional)

I felt like the pork and the prawns were the most unhealthy ingredients of the dish as the pork is high in fat content and the prawns are high in cholestral. Thus, i decided to change the Pork, into a healthier alternative--- Chicken. Chicken can still be used to help make the stock smell better and also does not taste bad in the noodles.
As for the problem of the Prawns, I suggest we remove them altogether. They do not really make much difference in the dish and the flavour that they add can be easily replaced by seasoning. Thus, with the removal of the prawns and the replacement of the pork, the dish has become much healthier!

DAY THREE (28th June 2010)

5.45am--- Breakfast
  1. 1 cookie

9.50am--- Recess

  1. 1 baked potato with chicken, butter and bacon bits (HEAVENLY)

12.20pm--- Lunch

  1. 1 wedge of rockmelon
  2. 1 banana
  3. 1 Quakers Low Fat S'Mores Granola Bar

7.00pm--- Dinner

  1. 2 helpings of home made chicken rice with stir-fried cabbage
  2. 1 bowl of carrot, onion and potato soup. A.K.A ABC soup
  3. 1 apple
  4. 1 wedge of rock melon


Eating Habits DAY 2 (27th June 2010)

7.30am--- Breakfast
  1. 2 Pepperidge Farm COOKIES
  2. 1 glass of Carrot Juice

10.30am --- Snack in Church

  1. 3 mints

1pm--- Lunch

  1. 1 helping of Spaghetti with tomato sauce, mushrooms and hotdogs
  2. 1 apple
  3. 1 vitamin C tablet

6pm--- Dinner

  1. 4 slices of Dr. Oekters Fromaggi Pizza
  2. 1 apple
  3. 1 cup of almond jelly
  4. 5 pieces of chips


My Eating Habits

Day 1 Saturday (26th June 2010)

10.30am --- Brunch 1) 3 sticks of special fried carrot cake

2) 1 bowl of mince meat noodles soup +wanton

3) 1 cup of carrot and orange juice

1 pm--- Snack 1) approximately 5 chips

2) 1 Fuji Apple

3) 1 square of white chocolate

4) 1 cup of almond jelly

5) 1 vitamin c tablet

3 pm--- study snack ----1) 1 Orange

2) 1 cup of almond jelly

3) 1 cup of milk

6pm--- Dinner --------- 1) 1.5 plates of home cooked Hokkien Mee

2) 0.5 cups of milk

6.45 pm ---Dessert----- 1) 1 cup of Almond Jelly

2) 1 Vitamin C tablet

3) 1 apple

9pm ---- Study Snack --1) 0.5 cups of milo