Thursday, July 1, 2010

Food Intake Assessment

Well, based on the Food Intake Assessment done on the HPB website, i have TOO MUCH of everything except Calcium. OOPS!!!! haha :)

------------------Average intake per day--- Recommended Daily Allowance
Energy (kcal) ----2,336 -------------------- 1,814
Carbohydrate (g)-374.1---------------------272.1
Protein (g) -------82.2----------------------52.8
Total Fat (g) -----57.7---------------------- 60.5
Saturated Fat (g)-24.3---------------------- 20.2
Cholesterol(mg)--186.3--------------------- 181.4
Calcium (mg)-----750.2 -------------------- 1000
Dietary Fibre(mg)30.4 --------------------- 18.1
Sodium (mg) -----4,546.3 ------------------ 1209.7

See the difference? SERIOUS changes need to be made to my eating habits. must DRINK MORE MILK! and eat less salty stuff like salted potatoes and chips...

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