Thursday, July 1, 2010


hehe. this is probably my last post on this blog so... better make it nice, long and colourful~

Through this Performance task, i have learnt that...

1. my eating habits currently are REALLY unhealthy and need to be changed soon. this probably explains my sudden and not to mention rapid weight gain during the holidays! i need a higher calcium intake so then i can grow TALLER!!! it's really not fun to always be shortest in class. seriously. you don't want to go there.

2. i actually used to consider my diet to be a healthy one because i eat LOADS of fruits. i really love them ALOT. but through this PT, i realised that eating fruits alone doesn't make your diet healthy. from the Food Intake Assessment, i realised that i am consuming too much of everything! so i really need to cut those down. especially the sodium, cholesterol and carbohydrate levels as those are the real killers!

3. Of the 3 nutritional tools, i feel that the Food Intake Assessment tool was the most useful. The health Pyramid didn't specify what they meant by '1 portion' and thus was very confusing to use. On the other hand, the Energy and Nutrient Compositions of Food tool was too complex and rigid, not allowing new dishes that were not on their list. this made it extremely hard to get an accurate calculation for the day. so if i were to use them again, i would probably only use the Food Intake Assessment tool.

4. It is healthy because by changing chicken to pork, we are greatly reducing the amount of fats without greatly compromising the taste of the dish. according to the Energy and Nutrients Compositions of Foods, the amount of Total Fats in the steamed chicken without skin or bones, is 0g while that of the pork is 67g. Meanwhile, the sodium amount in the chicken is17mg while that of the pork is 751mg. there is also an extremely obvious difference between the two in terms of Cholesterol is 5mg for the chicken and 218mg for the pork. just from these 3 categories alone, you can tell that the chicken is much more healthy than the Pork.

Yes, in case you haven't already realised, these are in HOUSE COLOURS!

Told you it would be colourful! :)



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